It’s been a while I shared something useful with the rest of the world. So for the few people who might read this, here’s why:

I’ve been rather busy with my job. Since August ’09 I’m a full time web developer at Netlog NV (in Ghent, Belgium). It’s a very cool job and I’m in an awesome team. I learn from them everyday. New approaches, techniques, …

Also, In November I’ve won a price together with Cliff Ophalvens, my partner at Netlog during my internship (Now also a colleague at Netlog). Our school nominated our work, so we had to go to Brussel to give a presentation about it.
Out of almost 18.000 graduated ‘Bachelors’, our work won in the category Informatics. Worth mentioning, not?

In my spare time I’m currently working on several little projects, which will probably be shared on the site when I finished them.¬†Of course¬†after a whole day of work, I most of the time don’t go right back to my computer screen… So they’re not quite finished yet.
But here’s a little list of stuff I’m working on (not in real detail):

So, that’s about it. Hope to see you soon again.