This is a NodeJS script I wrote to export data (trips) from the Runkeeper (iOS)database file.
I originally wrote this, because I couldn’t sync my trips anymore since I’m using IOS6 beta.

The Runkeeper data is stored in an SQLite file on the device, so it was pretty easy to write a script to export data and put it into GPX format.
The script can list all trips in the database, and export a specified trip to GPX. You can either print the data in the console (and pipe, grep, awk whatever with it) or you can specify a path to write the output to.

Source and usage can be found here at Github: klaascuvelier/runkeeper.js


Update: since the last update of the RunKeeper app, this problem is solved.
But feel free to keep using the code to export data from the RunKeeper db on your iPhone