About Symfony2 Routes

Symfony has a great implementation of routing where you can assign names to routes. This way you can generate an URL by referencing this route via the name and giving some parameters (if needed) both in another method and in your views.

An example:

symfony-controller.php on Github

This is a view where the routes are used
symfony-routing.html.twig on Github

Using a name to reference to a specific route is very useful, if you decide later on that the url to fetch assets should be changed to */prefix/asset/{type} *or whatever, there is no need to do a search-replace over the code base.

Bringing this flexibility to the front-end

There are various reasons why you’d need URLs in your JavaScript (AngularJS); fetching data, performing actions, …
By hardcoding URLs you lose the flexibility Symfony provided, this is a construction to keep it in the front-end:

The service

url-service.js on Github

The directive

The easiest way to define the available routes in the service, is via a directive.
An HTML element (in this case a script-tag) with a special attribute can be used to define all routes. In the pre-compile method, the element’s innerHTML is parsed to add all routes to the service.
url-directive.js on Github

Using the URL directive
url-example.html.twig on Github

Using URLs in an AngularJS controller

Using a route you defined earlier in a controller is pretty straight forward:
example-controller.js on Github


In the URL directive and service :parameter is used to add parameters in the url, it would also be possible to use {parameter} to make it more like the routes in PHP, but this would require to do an urldecode of the generated URL

The :parameter placeholder has one downside, it limits your options for parameter requirements.
It’s not possible to add numeric or advanced regular expressions as requirements, as the placeholder is a fixed string.